The 2017 hurricane season has become notorious to say the least, and it isn’t even over yet.  It has been remarkable to see the damage that has been done by these unforgiving forces of nature.  Harvey, Irma, Jose & Maria have dramatically impacted the communities they traveled through, and in some cases, wiped out entire islands.

Many people have asked how the centers we support in the Dominican Republic have fared through the two storms whose paths crossed the country, Irma & Maria.  I am happy to report that the centers, being in the south, did not bear the brunt of these storms.  There was high wind and much rain, but little damage.  That said, the northern part of the country did experience a much greater impact as the storm passed through.  There was significant flooding, wind damage, and loss.  Please keep those communities in your prayers as you praise the fact that the communities around our centers were spared.

Also, we are continuing to collect toward relief efforts in the Florida communities effected by Hurricane Irma.  If you are interested in supporting, you can find the link on our webpage.

We look forward to seeing our friends in the DR next week when we take a group down to San Pedro for the VivaVacation (with a Purpose).  Look forward to many pictures and even a live broadcast from the centers!